''Animal Cops: South Africa'' is an American documentary reality television series that premiered on June 6, 2008 on Animal Planet. The program depicts cases that are handled and investigated by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) in and around Cape Town, South Africa. The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is a community-run NGO and is a member of the NSPCA (National Council of SPCAs). The Cape of Good Hope SPCA became part of the ''Animal Cops'' show after Animal Planet commissioned a South African version of the series, based on series such as ''Animal Precinct'', ''Animal Cops Houston'' and ''Animal Cops Detroit''. The Inspectorate is based on a National Training program in South Africa provided and certified by the NSPCA and each inspector is authorized by the District Magistrates to investigate and intervene in animal cruelty complaints as well as educate on proactive initiatives. Their stance against animal cruelty has landed them the international focus with Animal Cops, highlighting the plight of animals within South Africa. All SPCAs are dependent solely on public donations, funding and receive no financial support from the South African government, has no political ties and receives very little support from the national lottery. ==Cases featured== The following are a few of several cases that are featured on the series: *A baboon invades a suburb in Cape Town. *A dog is found full of mange. *A horse has become severely emaciated. *A pit bull fighting operation is closed in Woodstock. *The owner of six ponies is advised about bad care. *A porcupine is found in a garden. *A seal hungry and in distress is transferred to SPCA. *A dog is found in a flooded canal. *A man is arrested for performing animal surgery without veterinary qualifications. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Animal Cops: South Africa」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク